Windi's Wedding Wisdom
There's never a dull moment in the wedding biz!
Here's some amusing tales, helpful tips and
lessons learned along the way.
There's never a dull moment in the wedding biz!
Here's some amusing tales, helpful tips and
lessons learned along the way.
I support LGBTQ Hello! Welcome to Run to an Elopement’s newest addition—the blog. This first topic is very near and dear to me, as a child of persons who identify with the LGBTQ community; I believe it is super-duper important that everyone understands how I feel about performing LGBTQ weddings or as I like to call them weddings. I’m not a huge fan of dividing people by using unnecessary words. For the last year I have been hesitant to address this topic. The list of reasons are long and plentiful like many of my LGBTQ counterparts, but the bottom line is that we are all HUMANS. Like many supporters of the LGBTQ community I feared backlash from outside, closed minded individuals. During one of my meditation sessions it came to me that I need to address the pink er….rainbow elephant in the room and be LOUD AND PROUD. I want you to know: 1. I am an ally and I support the LGBTQ community; 2. Equality for all is a credence that I carry daily; 3. Same-sex couples are just couples to me; I respect the desire to have that “perfect fairy tale moment” in their lives. LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED. Love knows no boundaries. My mission is to ensure all of “my” celebrants feel comfortable and carefree on their wedding day. I have married several same-sex couples and I always find a sense of relief in their voices when they announce during our first telephone call that they are a “gay” couple to which I immediately respond, “PERFECT!” In that moment, the whole tone of the conversation shifts to one of relief. I immediately wonder, “Has this poor couple been discriminated against?” “Rejected by their peers?” “Told NO!?” It is alarming to me that in 2017 people are still not being accepted for who they are. Here at Run to an Elopement you will never feel like you “don’t belong.” There will never be a reason for you to remain silent. I want you to be LOUD and PROUD and would love to help you celebrate and honor the loving committed couple that you are.
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